Best Carpet Cleaning Tips For Pet Owners

Best Carpet Cleaning Tips For Pet Owners

Pets are the happy beamers of any house but there come some stressful consequences as well. From urination to furballs, there can be many problems if you have a furry friend at your home. And if not cleaned and maintained, you can carpet will soon show the spots of stresses and soon lost its quality. Not just appearance but pet residues can spread serious contagious hygiene issues and diseases such as skin inflammation, fleas, ticks, lung problems and etc.

There is no need to remove or avoid carpets but tackle them with great precision such as;

  1. Spot-cleaning when necessary
  2. Applying odour eliminators
  3. Pet training can help keep your carpet clean.

Pet Hair

They accumulate and turned into a furball on just anything; especially on upholstery furniture, carpets, rugs and etc. Take care of your pet if shedding hair is a common problem because they can leave a trail behind them and you have to clean them quickly with a vacuum cleaner.

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You can also rake your carpet before vacuuming it. Rake it with the help of a rubber-bristled carpet which can easily collect the hair clumps. If you are a pet owner, vacuum your carpet twice or thrice a week with a HEPA-filtered, bag-less vacuum.

Pet Urine

No matter how much your furry friend is trained, accidents just happen. The foremost action is act immediately to minimise the damage. Here are the steps:

  1. Spread an old terrycloth towel over the urine and it will remove the moisture.
  2. Apply liquid carpet cleaning solution or detergent washing liquid (3-4 drops) to ½ cup of warm water to remove the stain. After it is done, rinse the area and clean it with a fresh cloth.
  3. Mix 1/3 cup vinegar and ¾ cup of warm water and apply it to the affected area to deter your pet from soiling it again. Absorb the moisture with clean cotton cloths.

Tips To Clean Your Leather Upholstery Or Lounges

Pet Stains

Be it urine, stools, vomit, blood and etc., stains are a real challenge for a pet owner, especially if the stain is older. Here are some tips to follow:

  1. Get an extracting carpet cleaner because they can impart high-pressure clean water onto the carpet and after cleaning it thoroughly, it extracts the dirty water from the carpet as well.
  2. Avoid using steam cleaners on older or stubborn stains. Any kind of heat can make it more stubborn or nearly impossible to remover.
  3. Use recommended products which are specifically designed to remove set-in pet stains.

Pet Stains’ Odour

  1. Use an extracting carpet cleaner to extract the dirt or residues from the carpet first. It will also help to remove the left out chemicals from the previous treatment.
  2. Any kind of chemicals inhibits the action of enzyme treatment, essential for pet odour removal.
  3. Use powdered odour eliminators on dry carpets.
  4. You can also use liquid odour eliminators but they require saturation of the carpet with the solution. The ingredients will quickly eliminate the bacteria that causes the odour. But this step will take much longer time to dry.

5.    Use liquid odour eliminators with tank sprayers to cover huge areas.