Best Tips & Ideas To Clean Your Carpet

Best Tips & Ideas To Clean Your Carpet

Vacuuming is the ultimate way of keeping and maintaining the carpets. By vacuuming once or twice a week and calling professional carpet cleaning services once a year enhances your carpet’s life and appearance. This is not just it but the right treatment also maintains the hygiene level of your carpets as well. Check out the complete guideline for cleaning, removing spots & stains, and dealing with other carpet problems.

Here are the basics:

  1. If your home faces heavy traffic, the installed carpets need to be vacuumed twice a week and quickly after the parties or sudden visit of guests. Frequent vacuuming and regular dusting prolong the life of your carpets. It helps by preventing the accumulation of dirt, gritty particles, furballs and etc. that can cut carpet fibres. Every alternate week, use your crevice tool to pull up the dirt from the hard-to-reach places.
  2. You can also vacuum wall-to-wall carpets by dividing the floor into four parts and vacuum every quarter before moving to other ones.
  3. Don’t hurry while cleaning or vacuuming the carpet. If it is a plush carpet or made of wool, velvet and related fabric materials, take your time when vacuuming and reach to the corners and base layers because in this type of carpets dirt and grimes settle deeply. One pass with high-powered vacuum is not just enough. Allow the suction to remove all the embedded particles comfortably.
  4. Pay special attention to the high traffic areas such as where most of the people sit and move their feet.
  5. Vacuum these areas with a crisscross pattern of overlapping strokes.
  6. You can also apply soil retardants to new carpets or cleaned carpets by following the manufacturer’s advice. The application should be with the help of professional equipment for the best results.
  7. Add baking soda to the vacuum bag to prevent foul odour.
  8. Spots and spills should be treated immediately otherwise they can be difficult to remove. Check out the complete procedure to remove spotty blemishes.

Removing Spots & Spills

The golden rule of treating spots and spills – spot them, clean them instantly.

At the moment you catch such scenes, try to remove it immediately before it settles down. And for further help, recommend the following steps:

  1. Blot the affected area before applying the recommended cleaning solution. Scrape and then remove as much of the spill as possible.
  2. A patch test is necessary before full application of the cleaning agent onto the carpet to make sure the cleaner would not damage or discolour the carpet.
  3. Avoid rubbing the spill that might aggravate the issue.
  4. After the application of the spot cleaner, work from outside towards the inside of the stain. After that, blot up all the moisture.

Hire best and reputed Sydney crime and trauma cleaning which has professional team to handle stubborn spots and cases. Contact now and get the best price quotation.

Note: Every carpet fibers reacts differently and if you don’t know about your carpet and which solutions will be good then please call a professional carpet cleaner at Sydney CBD & MacArthur Carpet Cleaning1300 363 095