5 Ways To Keep Your Carpets & Rugs Like New

5 Ways To Keep Your Carpets & Rugs Like New

The major interior attractions are the carpets and rugs which not only uplift the beauty of your home but also magnetise dust and germs floating around your home. Due to the specific designing of the carpet fibres from materials, they are able to attract dust and dirt more readily than any other. Due to the same reason, they lose their lustre and appearance quite readily.

To keep up the beauty of carpets and rugs, the homeowners are recommended to call or hire professional carpet cleaning services for the most efficient result and longevity of the home rugs and carpets as well.

Check out these 5 ways to keep your carpets and rugs like newly bought:

  1. Remove Furniture Indentations

While moving furniture or replacing old furniture with the new ones, indentation marks on the carpets can be observed easily. Get rid of the indentations easily and provide your carpet’s old life back by treating it with an ice cube. Put an ice cube on the indentation mark and let it melt. After it is completely melted, brush carpet fibres thoroughly with a soft cloth or brush that has soft bristles. Avoid using a scrub brush which would be too abrasive and harmful to your carpet otherwise.

Read: Easy & Quick Cleaning Tips For Area Rugs

Finish off the process by vacuuming the carpet area, until it is completely dry.

  1. Roll Up The Rug

If your home has hard flooring, the colour transformation of rugs can be a normal issue experienced by the homeowners. The common agents that contribute to the caret or rugs’ colour transformation are UV rays, direct sunlight, traffic and air pollutants.

Also, deep coloured woods of furniture drastically change their colour as compared to light coloured wooden flooring. This happens with all kinds of natural woods. Though area rugs laid over definitely protects the wood underneath by shielding it from air and light. After the length of time, the rug’s colour will change but the colour of the wooden flooring will be intact.

To prevent this kind of drastic changes, remove your area rugs when you plan to leave the house for a long time. Roll up the rug and open up the blinds and curtains of the place. Also, make sure to roll up the rug pad as well.

  1. Turn Your Rug

There are certain points or areas which are majorly used by the people. By the passage of time, these areas show early symptoms or weariness and dullness. You can prevent these traffic lanes by spinning them 180 degrees every six months.

  1. Invest In Extra Carpet For Stairs

Stairs take the maximum traffic than any other area in the house because of it the connecting passage for everyone and everywhere. Due to the same, the carpet on the stairs ages much more quickly than the carpet in other areas.

Read: How to Avoid Traffic Lanes On The Carpets & Rugs?

To prevent last-minute rush, buy extra carpet for your stairs. Keep the extra pair in a dark place or storeroom of your house.

  1. Use Baking Soda To Remove Odours

Baking soda helps to absorb odours and this carpet cleaning tip never grows old among the homeowners. Sprinkle some baking soda over the carpet to eliminate odours created by pet urine, smoke, cooking, and etc. Let it sit for a couple of hours on the carpet Leave and then, vacuum your carpet thoroughly to remove all the residues along with the odour.